The Friends of the Winston Churchill Memorial Garden & Honeybourne Line work with the council’s Green Space Development Team and other partners, including the Orchard Trust, to look after and improve the Winston Churchill Memorial Garden and the Honeybourne Line. We have bi-monthly volunteer working parties on the second and fourth Thursday morning of each month. We also raise funds for improvements to the park and Honeybourne Line and organise occasional events. New volunteers are always welcome.
We have worked towards carbon zero by introducing perennial beds and wild flower planting areas in the Winston Churchill Memorial Garden, and we have planted several trees along the Honeybourne Line and in the Winston Churchill Memorial Garden. Recent additions to the Winston Churchill Memorial Garden include a linear orchard of local fruit trees along the Market Street border, and compost bins, so we can dispose of some of our green waste and leaf litter on site.
You can keep up to date with our activities via our Facebook page:
Phone: 07932 813103