Our Membership Offer
There are loads of great reasons to join CheltenhamZero. First of all it’s completely FREE!
Share & Celebrate Share your sustainability story, increase visibility and celebrate your milestones. Be part of the solution and help us take collective action to make Cheltenham a net zero emissions town.
Net Zero SkillsHub Grow your sustainability skills and access free tools, resources and support to help you build your pathway to Net Zero, measure emissions and make a decarbonisation plan.
Connect Join our growing network of members for workshops, networking and collaboration. Build cross sector partnerships, share skills and discover how positive climate action can create wider social value.
Fund Access grants and resources to help your organisation create climate resilience, improve energy efficiency and build a solid business case to secure funding.
Benefits of Net Zero for SMEs
As well as a whole host of social and environmental benefits, transitioning to a low carbon economy can also present new commercial opportunities. This is especially true for small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) as they can generally adapt quicker than their larger counterparts

What our Members say
To see who has signed up to CheltenhamZero view Our Members page and to find out what our members have been doing to tackle the climate emergency visit our Projects page. Click on a dot below to view more information.

To Join the Cheltenham Zero Initiative simply sign up through the link below and we will be in touch to kick start your journey to net zero

Sign up to CheltenhamZero
Who Can Join?
Any business or organisation based in or operating within the Cheltenham area can join CheltenhamZero for FREE. (We do not provide domestic membership for individuals but Planet Cheltenham supports households and communities and is run by local charity Vision 21)
Businesses of all shapes and sizes from any sector, including sole traders and online businesses.
Community Organisations
Community groups and organisations, charities, faith groups, clubs and societies.
Public Services
Local councils, authorities transport and service providers.
Educational Establishments
All local schools, colleges, universities & training providers.
Sustainability Professionals
Although we currently don't offer membership for individuals, if you are working in the sustainability or environmental sectors we welcome you to join us for our regular networking, workshops and events and sign up to our newsletter.