CheltenhamZero is a wide-ranging partnership of local organisations – private sector, public sector, charities and community groups – working together to achieve a net-zero carbon emissions in Cheltenham by 2030.
From May 2024 – The project is funded and delivered by Cheltenham Borough Council.
2021- 2024 – For the first 3 years Cheltenham Zero was funded by Cheltenham Borough Council and delivered by local climate charity Vision21.
“We’re really proud of CheltenhamZero members and what we’ve collectively achieved in Cheltenham over the first 3 years of the partnership. We’re grateful for this opportunity to establish and deliver the initiative for CBC and excited to see what direction the project takes next as members take the next step on their Net Zero journey and their needs evolve. Vision 21 are looking forward to still being a part of that journey as an active member and supporter”

- The CheltenhamZero Agreement
Members of CheltenhamZero have all signed up to this agreement:
We recognise the climate emergency and acknowledge the unacceptable risks it poses globally and also locally to the future of our environment, our livelihoods, our homes and our town. By joining CheltenhamZero we commit to tackling the climate emergency head on, doing our part within our organisations and working collaboratively to support the shift to net zero emissions as a town by the year 2030.
- How will we achieve this?
Through the creation of a commonwealth of shared knowledge, and the co-ordinated actions of Cheltenham’s public services, local businesses and community groups, all working together in a spirit of collaboration and co-operation.
- Is the CheltenhamZero Agreement legally binding?
No. Signing the Agreement is a pledge to ensure that potential members realise the gravity of the situation and to help them understand the members’ expectations within the partnership.
- We’ve joined CheltenhamZero and we’d like to add our projects to this website
Contact cheltzero@cheltenham.gov.uk and we will be happy to discuss this with you and share your sustainability story.
- How does my organisation get involved?
To sign up to CheltenhamZero, please click on this link. Check out our Join Us page for information about who can vThe only criteria for joining is that you sign the CheltenhamZero Agreement, and that you plan to start some tangible projects that will have a significant impact on carbon emissions in Cheltenham before the year 2030.
- I’m an individual, not an organisation – but I’ve got an idea for reducing carbon emissions in my neighbourhood.
Check out Planet Cheltenham a Vision21 project to help support communities take positive climate action.
- Which local organisations are in CheltenhamZero?
You can see the current list of organisations in CheltenhamZero on our members page